Hola 👋

I'm Alejandro AR (a.k.a. kinduff).

I really like writing code, playing games, reading and watching movies and TV shows. I love discovering new technologies, learning how to use them and sharing my knowledge.

This is my house on the web. This house is alive, so you will be able to find content whenever you visit.

I recommend you add it to your bookmarks, take a look at the blog and my projects. You can also subscribe via RSS.

Latest blog posts

👉 Enterprise Software Sales Lessons: Some insights from my experience in sales and software development that might help you turn interactions into successful collaborations

👉 Don't name your projects: I've switched to using fun, temporary code names for projects instead of domain names

👉 My deleted review of this restaurant: Guess my review didn't pass the community rules of Google Maps

👉 Power to the power users: How the creative uses of data structures by power users are transforming and inspiring new features in my product

👉 A unified front for your team: The impact of a unified team in customer interactions

You can find more blog posts here.

Projects & Experiments

🛠️ Ansible Docker FreshRSS Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs FreshRSS to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.

🛠️ Ansible Docker Linkding Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs Linkding to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.

🛠️ Ansible Docker n8n Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs n8n to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.

🐘 Adjective Adjective Animal ⧉: Ruby gem that generates a random (seed support) animal name with two adjectives in front of it.

🐶 Dog API ⧉: Provides information on over 340 dog breeds, 20 breed groups, and fun facts.

You can see the rest of the project here.

Latest TV posts

You can watch the rest of the videos here.

Latest links

oeis.org favicon A lower bound on the length of the shortest superpattern

github.com favicon aome510/spotify-player: A Spotify player in the terminal with full feature parity

github.com favicon jesseduffield/horcrux: Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode

github.com favicon yshavit/mdq: like jq but for Markdown: find specific elements in a md doc

github.com favicon gabriben/awesome-generative-information-retrieval

You can see the rest of the link here.