Hola 👋

I'm Alejandro AR (a.k.a. kinduff).

I really like writing code, playing games, reading and watching movies and TV shows. I love discovering new technologies, learning how to use them and sharing my knowledge.

This is my house on the web. This house is alive, so you will be able to find content whenever you visit.

I recommend you add it to your bookmarks, take a look at the blog and my projects. You can also subscribe via RSS.

Latest blog posts

👉 Power to the power users: How the creative uses of data structures by power users are transforming and inspiring new features in my product

👉 A unified front for your team: The impact of a unified team in customer interactions

👉 Humble Leadership for Team Success: Consequences of ego-driven management and the benefits of adopting a more self-reflective approach

👉 The 10_001 magic number: Unraveling the story behind a magic number in code

👉 The Double It and Pass It On License: The Double It and Pass It On License (DIPOL), Version 1.0

You can find more blog posts here.

Projects & Experiments

🛠️ Ansible Docker FreshRSS Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs FreshRSS to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.

🛠️ Ansible Docker Linkding Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs Linkding to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.

🛠️ Ansible Docker n8n Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs n8n to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.

🐘 Adjective Adjective Animal ⧉: Ruby gem that generates a random (seed support) animal name with two adjectives in front of it.

🐶 Dog API ⧉: Provides information on over 340 dog breeds, 20 breed groups, and fun facts.

You can see the rest of the project here.

Latest TV posts

You can watch the rest of the videos here.

Latest links

github.com favicon frectonz/pglite-fusion: Embed an SQLite database in your PostgreSQL table. AKA multitenancy has been solved.

github.com favicon dockur/macos: OSX (macOS) inside a Docker container.

github.com favicon Mati365/ckeditor5-rails: 🚀 CKEditor 5 Ruby gem - seamless integration with Rails through web components and helper methods. 💎 Supports both GPL and commercial licenses with flexible CDN options and translations. 🎨 Easy configuration with presets, extensive plugin system, and modern async loading.

www.votito.com favicon Tog's paradox: An observation that products aiming to simplify a task for users tend to inspire new, more complex tasks.

www.bbctvlicence.com favicon Please do not write below this line: I have been vexed for some time by the request at the bottom of each letter that I am not to write below the line

You can see the rest of the link here.