🗒 paste ⧉: simple markdown store, like pastebin but it renders as markdown.
☢️ Lethal Company Save Editor ⧉: Unauthorized Lethal Company online save editor and community.
🛠️ Ansible Docker FreshRSS Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs FreshRSS to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.
🛠️ Ansible Docker Linkding Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs Linkding to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.
🛠️ Ansible Docker n8n Role ⧉: Ansible role which installs n8n to run as a Docker container wrapped in a systemd service.
🐘 Adjective Adjective Animal ⧉: Ruby gem that generates a random (seed support) animal name with two adjectives in front of it.
🐶 Dog API ⧉: Provides information on over 340 dog breeds, 20 breed groups, and fun facts.
🔥🪰 Firefly III Prometheus Exporter ⧉: A Prometheus exporter for Firefly III
🔀 TechQ ⧉: Small application to get a random technical question for interviews.
🔖 Jekyll Miscellaneous ⧉: A collection of opinionated plugins for Jekyll.
🇲🇽 Awesome Made by Mexicans ⧉: A collection of amazing open source projects built by mexican developers.
💣 CS:GO Exporter ⧉: A Prometheus exporter for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
📜 My Argos Plugins ⧉: Colección de bash script para Argos, o indicadores de estado en Gnome Shell.
📊 Jekyll Github Chart ⧉: Plugin de Jekyll para muestrar el gráfico de contribuciones de un usuario.
🧠 Year in Pixels ⧉: Aplicación para registrar tu estado de ánimo durante el año con una interfaz sencilla y bonita.
🐶 Dog Facts ⧉: Aplicación para Slack que contiene mas de 500 datos curiosos divertidos sobre perros.
🤡 Googleflog ⧉: Traductor de español al estúpido idioma ** eEzhTiil0o meETr0ofl0oG *~ xD.
📓 JIRA Opener ⧉: Herramienta para abrir, parsear y buscar muchos tickets de JIRA a la vez.
🔔 Simple Flowdock Notification Resource ⧉: Plugin para Concourse CI para recibir notificaciones en Flowdock.
🆙 Spree Reffiliate ⧉: Plugin para Spree, un framework de e-commerce para el manejo de afiliados y referidos en una tienda en linea.
🐘 Slack Big Emoji ⧉: Herramienta para generar emojis gigantes para Slack.
⚡ Find HTTPS Subdomains ⧉: Herramienta para encontrar subdominios de un dominio.