I was in my mid-twenties coming back from the park with my skateboard between my legs. I jumped on the bus and stood near the exit door. I saw this guy with his skateboard too, wearing an A Tribe Called Quest ⧉ t-shirt, which is one of my favorite rap groups.
I asked him where he was coming from, since I barely knew Buenos Aires, to find a new cool spot to skate. I complimented his t-shirt and he told me about The Pharcyde ⧉ and the mashup Amerigo Gazaway ⧉ made with A Tribe Called Quest.
That mashup album has to be one of my favorites ever. Amerigo did a great job of extracting the essence of these two groups and mashing them up in a new way, with a new style. The rest of his work speaks for itself; it’s pure gold.
Life has a way of introducing us to new things, related or not to our professional life. Everything that contributes to our personal growth has the potential to make an impact either way.
Let’s have a conversation with people around us. Don’t be afraid to ask or share. The value and diversity we can perceive through human interactions are incomparable to anything else.